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At Resilient Sports Therapy, we provide expert musculoskeletal care by using a variety of treatment techniques. Our mission is to help others move pain free and increase performance through proper assessment, treatment, and education.




Movement is Life


  • We collaborate with all insurance providers, although we do not handle direct billing. Instead, we furnish you with the necessary documentation to facilitate reimbursement submission. This approach empowers us to deliver the treatment that best meets your needs and priorities, unconstrained by insurance criteria. Our foremost commitment is to provide you with personalized care and the highest quality treatment available.

  • We offer 15, 30, 45 and hour long appointments. Depending on your schedule and needs, we offer flexibility to ensure you can make it in and get the treatment you need.

  • First time patients need to select the "60 Minute New Patient Exam and Evaluation". This will consist of a thorough history, exam and treatment as needed for most pressing need. The following visit will consist of our recommended treatment schedule based on the initial exam.